Special FX Starter Kit valued at $200.00 for only $130.00 !!!
Starter Kit Includes:
- Spirit Gum – a safe skin adhesive to keep the appliance on for a long time
- Injury Stack – a stack of 5 creme based colours to create bruises, injuries and wounds
- FX blood – a thin runny cosmetic blood which replicates human blood
- Blood Gel – a thick sticky cosmetic blood
- White Blending Sponge – a cosmetic grade sponge used for application and blending of creme makeup
- Black Stipple Sponge – an open cell nylon sponge used to give a stippled effect
Injuries Include
- 2 Grand Opening
- 1 Terminal Twist
- 1 Deadly Screw
- 1 Broken Bone
- 3 Small Glass Attack
- 1 38 Exit
- 1 Scar Set of 3 Scars
- 3 38 Entry Wounds